
Having operated for a number of years, we have gathered a large amount of material from which we select relevant topics in the educational section of the support group meeting.

Examples of topics: 
  1. What is depression?
  2. Family/media etc. messages and the effects

    Living with/managing depression
  3. Grief
  4. Your feelings are your friends: Anxiety, Guilt, Anger
  5. Attitudes to/respecting/caring for our bodies

    Tools for healing
  6. Changing negative thoughts, perfectionism, CBT. How to stay depressed
  7. Planning for change: Structure your days, keeping balance, achievement, motivation, goals
  8. Narrative approach - How did I manage it that time? DESC
  9. Spirituality and creativity 

    Life beyond the black hole
  10. Relapse prevention
  11. Friendships, support, belonging.